Happy Birthda Rebecca!

Rebecca just after coming to us.
On the 18th February, Rebecca celebrated her 10th birthday. She is one of our most-loved gorillas and it is easy to see the reason why!
She is truly a caring a sweet gorilla to anyone who meets a
her and she enjoys the company of all our gorilla, especially Benny (aged 9) and Lulu (11) who came to us about the same time in 2012. How times have changed!
She may now be an adult but she still have many years left in her as gorillas frequently live to 40-50 and often even older, as our oldest Old Bob clearly shows. Rebecca will hopefully go on to have several children very soon as she is coming up to the right age. We hope that she will be a part of our conservation effort to rebuilt the gorilla population back to its previous levels.
Visitors can meet Rebecca amongst our other gorillas on our open day celebrating British Gorilla Day on the 5th March 2020 So don’t miss out on your chance to meet these amazing animals.